Youth Ministry

Be Influential

GUEST POST: When You Want to Stay But Can’t (Part 2)

In my first post I shared some of the emotions that I was feeling when I was laid off. I hope by being honest and sharing my struggles it will help to encourage those of us who want to stay but can’t. I am not saying that this is the 3 or 5 step plan you need…

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GUEST POST: When You Want to Stay But Can’t (Part 1)

January 10th 2010 is a date that has marked my life probably more than my birthday, anniversary, and birth of children combined. It was the day my pastor was going to reveal to us staff members (one by one) the vision and plan to turn a corner in the recent struggling history of the church. I…

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5 Reasons You Struggle to Get Along With Your Pastor

I love my pastor.  He is a great leader and full of wisdom when it comes to shepherding people.  I have been fortunate to serve under pastors that I appreciate and admire.  Through the years, I have learned a great deal from them.  There have been times however, that getting along have not always been…

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The #1 Thing I Tell People Who Want to be a Youth Pastor

When I am approached by someone who is feeling they may be called to be a Youth Pastor I tend to always tell them the same things. Some of these are things I have learned the hard way over the years, and others are things I was asked when I started searching for direction in…

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Do Not Quit

Do not quit. Do not give up. Stay the course. Press on. There are times in ministry when we all need to hear those words. There have been plenty of time in Youth Ministry where I needed to hear those words. Here are five reasons not to quit:

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5 Characteristics We Want In Our Students

I’ve never been big on purpose statements for Student Ministry. It has always been my belief that the Student Ministry has the same purpose as the church it ministers in. In fact, all churches have the same purpose and mission in theory (Matthew 28:19). The vision of each church and each ministry within each church…

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