If I have heard it once, I have heard it a thousand times. "Please pray…
Ministry is certainly not for the faint at heart. Every ministry has its own unique difficulties and struggles, and youth ministry is no exception. It seems at times that many people (if not most) run from teenagers. Yet as a Youth Pastor we run to them (some of us faster than others…I typically try not to run unless being chased). Youth Ministry is often misunderstood from those on the outside looking in. If you have been a Youth Pastor for a day or so you have likely heard the following. While there are things that every Youth Pastor loves to hear from others, here are three things every Youth Pastor hates to hear:
I cannot wait to see what God does in your ministry one day…or when do you think you will be a real pastor?
I have heard this more times than I can count. It is said with good intentions. It is meant to encourage (I think). In our culture, success is often seen as climbing the ladder rather than obedience to a calling. This is true in the corporate world and it certainly can carry over into the church at times as well. The assumption you are paying your dues until you can move on up can be a dangerous one. This is dangerous for both the Youth Pastor and the church. It certainly plays into why so many Youth Pastors leave around the 2-3 year mark.
[Tweet ” The painful truth is no teen is beyond any struggle. Don’t say “not my kid.””]
What do you do all day?
This one even comes from your students at times. It is difficult for those not with you all day to understand what you could do all day outside of “youth group.” Most have no idea how much time it takes to prepare for a sermon (here is my sermon preparation process). Most have no idea how much time it takes to plan that “little” event they all enjoy so much. There are many things people do not know about Youth Pastors…one of those is what we do all day. Work hard, study hard, love on teens, be faithful and obedient…and yeah it will still sting a little when people ask this one.
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Not my kid!
I literally cringe every time a parent says this to me. “My kid will not do that/be that/act like that/struggle with that.” The painful truth is no student is beyond any struggle. Pray for your kids. Pray for your students. Most of all, pray for the parents in your ministry.
What other things do you feel a Youth Pastor hates to hear from those you serve? Leave a comment below:
Photo credit: me and the sysop / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0)