How To Make The Most Of Your Summer

Summer is coming…are you ready?

make most of summerSummer can be one of the most effective times in Youth Ministry.  It can also be a time that is easily wasted and a huge opportunity missed.  Without some forethought, summer will come and go before you even realize it.  School will be back in, and you will, once again, be holding on for dear life.  So, how do you make the most of summer?  Here are five things that will help you make the most of it:

Get out of your office

While there are still things you will need to be in your office to do, summer allows you the opportunity to do things you cannot do while your students are in school. There is balance in this for sure. I am not advocating you abandon your office (or closet deemed an office in some cases), but I am saying do not become an office hermit over the summer.

Plan for the fall

Take the summer to plan for the fall (if you have not already). Summer for me provides some great perspective on our ministry. It allows me to take a fresh look at where we are and where we are headed. While we plan much of our ministry well in advance, summer is a great time to look at how well we are doing in smaller things that often get overlooked.

Invest in your leaders

The dynamics of Youth Ministry in the summer are vastly different from during the school year. For us it is a whole new kind of busy. If you fail to invest in your leaders over the summer, you will feel it in the fall. Take the time to invest in your leaders, help them recharge. Play together. Encourage them. Summer can be a great time to do this.

Build relationships with younger youth

Summer can be a great time to invest in your younger youth. Older high school students who can drive will be much more accessible as well. However, with younger youth who are normally bound by lack of transportation and time, summer can open up a whole new world for ministering to them. Taking the time to build these relationships will help them engage more fully once school does start back in the fall.

Take time for you

Summer can be (can be?!) crazy.  The school year is waiting just around the corner.  Ministry is a train that never stops.  Make sure you find some time before the school year starts back to take some time for you.  It does not have to be a week-long vacation.  It could just be a day away, time with family, or a camping trip.  What it is does not matter as much as the fact that it happens.  If you fail to take time for you, you will burn out quickly.

What about you? How do you make the most of summer? What tips do you have to offer other Youth Workers? I would love for you to share in the comment section below!

About the Author
I am a Youth Ministry veteran of twenty four years, and currently serve as the Student Pastor at High Desert Church.  I help equip and encourage Youth Pastors through this blog and podcast The Longer Haul.  My passion is helping Youth Pastors create a ministry of longevity that they truly love.  I am the grateful husband of Sarah and the dad of Emma, Anna, Lizzy, and Jack.  I am a speaker, lover of vintage VW’s, and the owner of one 1972 VW Westfalia Bus.