When Your Leaders Need A Break

leaders need a breakWhat do you do when a Youth Leader needs a break?

Every Youth Ministry needs a great team.  I’ve written previously on how to recruit and how to build a great team.  However, even with the best teams and with the best leaders, there will come a time when some of your leaders will need a break.

This does not have to be a bad thing.  How you respond really matters.  So how DO you respond?  Here are five things you need to make sure you do when you have leaders who need a break:

1. Make sure they are not hurt

You never want a leader to step out of serving with your ministry because of unresolved hurt.  Serving in your ministry should be  rewarding (although difficult at times, because real ministry always is) and fulfilling.  When your leaders need a break, go the extra mile to ensure they are not stepping out as a result of being hurt.

2. Make sure they know they are loved and needed

Sometimes leaders can feel that they are not really needed or noticed.  All of your leaders should know how much they are loved a needed.  If this is a problem for your ministry, stop what you are doing and write them a note of thanks (or tweet them a coffee).

Ministry is tough…student ministry is messy.  There is often little encouragement from those you serve.  Whatever you do, if your leaders need a break, make sure they know they are loved and needed.

3. Make sure they know they can step away

If we are honest, this one can be a tough one.  However, you must not hold your leaders hostage though guilt or manipulation.  After all, I would hope you would want them to serve out of a true sense of calling to your ministry and obedience to the Lord rather than simply feeling obligated to you.

Having a great team is so much about having the right people on the team and having them in the right places.  You must allow room for them to step away if they need to.  When your leaders need a break, leave room for God to move them where he wants…make sure they know they can step away.

4. Make sure you celebrate their past service

Do not just let them quietly slip out the back.  Recognize their past service.  Celebrate what they have done for your ministry already.  Taking a break does not necessarily mean they are stepping away forever.  Knowing they have helped have an influence is extremely encouraging and can make it easier for them to decide to step back in later.  When your leaders need a break, make sure you celebrate their past service.

5. Make sure you continue to love on them

Do not forget about them once they are gone.  Continue to love on and encourage them.  Stepping out of your ministry is probably a lot harder for most than they realize.  Depending on how long they have been serving in your ministry, they may struggle to find their place with the new change.  So, when your leaders need a break, make sure you continue to love on them after they step out.

Well, there you have it.  I am sure there are other things I could add to the list as well.  I believe though, that these five are essential.

Tell me what you think!  Leave a comment below and tell me what you would add to the list.  What steps to you take when a leader wants to take a break?  How do you handle this in your ministry?

Photo credit: keith trice / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

About the Author
I am a Youth Ministry veteran of twenty four years, and currently serve as the Student Pastor at High Desert Church.  I help equip and encourage Youth Pastors through this blog and podcast The Longer Haul.  My passion is helping Youth Pastors create a ministry of longevity that they truly love.  I am the grateful husband of Sarah and the dad of Emma, Anna, Lizzy, and Jack.  I am a speaker, lover of vintage VW’s, and the owner of one 1972 VW Westfalia Bus.