In this episode Bubba Crowder joins us to talk fundraising for mission trips.

Let’s face it.  Fundraising and Youth Ministry often go hand in hand.  Fundraising for mission trips is almost always a need.

So what are some ways to effectively fundraise for mission trips?  What are some things to consider when choosing fundraising for mission trips?

Bubba Crowder knows this subject well and joins us to dispense his wisdom as we dive into this important topic.

Links mentioned: 

Resources mentioned in this Podcast:

In this particular episode, you will learn:

  • Who the third best looking guy born on July 23rd is?
  • What are some important things to consider when fundraising for mission trips?
  • What are some practical ways to fundraise for mission trips?


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About the Author
I am a Youth Ministry veteran of twenty four years, and currently serve as the Student Pastor at High Desert Church.  I help equip and encourage Youth Pastors through this blog and podcast The Longer Haul.  My passion is helping Youth Pastors create a ministry of longevity that they truly love.  I am the grateful husband of Sarah and the dad of Emma, Anna, Lizzy, and Jack.  I am a speaker, lover of vintage VW’s, and the owner of one 1972 VW Westfalia Bus.