If you stay in youth ministry long enough you will face a season of a downturn in your youth ministry numbers.  Knowing how to push through this and strengthen your ministry in light of it is essential.  If though you manage this well you can actually come out stronger in the end having gone through this.

Managing this well helps keep you from being discouraged, helps you communicate what success really is for your ministry, and helps you strengthen those within your ministry.  It isn’t a matter of if this will happen, rather it is one of when it will happen.

In this episode Paul Turner and I tackle this and more.  In this interview you’ll learn the things you need to do, evaluate and consider you work your way through and lead through a downturn in your youth ministry numbers.

Links mentioned:


Resources mentioned in this Podcast:


Evernote Essentials

TLH014: Seasons in Youth Ministry

In this particular episode, you will learn:

  • Why you should expect a downturn in your youth ministry numbers
  • How longevity helps manage a downturn in your youth ministry numbers
  • What is a healthy perspective when facing a downturn in your youth ministry numbers


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About the Author
I am a Youth Ministry veteran of twenty four years, and currently serve as the Student Pastor at High Desert Church.  I help equip and encourage Youth Pastors through this blog and podcast The Longer Haul.  My passion is helping Youth Pastors create a ministry of longevity that they truly love.  I am the grateful husband of Sarah and the dad of Emma, Anna, Lizzy, and Jack.  I am a speaker, lover of vintage VW’s, and the owner of one 1972 VW Westfalia Bus.