In the previous post, we discovered who the real person behind seeing numbers as success is. The fact…
When it comes to your ministry, few things are as practically important than your communication with the parents you serve. More frustration, disappointment, and conflict comes from poor communication than any other given thing in your ministry. Here are a five practical thoughts on communication and what your biggest problem in communicating likely is:
1. When communicating with Parents you should always over-communicate
I ran across this quote recently:
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
– George Bernard Shaw
This quote could not be more true when it comes to communicating to parents in your ministry. Telling students and hoping they will pass that along to their parents is a fairy tale from a far away land (and I do not mean your office in the old broom closet). Do not assume they know or have heard.
2. When communicating with Parents you should always be intentional
Effective communication does not happen by accident. If you wish to communicate to parents in your ministry, you must have a plan to do so. Communicate early and often.
3. When communicating with Parents you should always strive to be clear and specific
If you are needing something say so and ask for commitments. If you are giving details about an event give “details” not just vague assumptions or guesses. If you do not know something…say you do not know. Do not just make up an answer.
4. When communicating with Parents you should always know it affects how you are viewed
How you communicate (and whether you communicate) plays a huge role in the amount of trust parents place in you as their Youth Pastor and in your ministry. Failure to communicate = a failure to minister.
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5. When communicating with parents you should always remember some parents still will not hear
Regardless of how often and clear you communicate, some parents will not hear it or find out. You must do your very best to provide as many avenues for communication as possible, but understand as well than some will not know. This will be a continued struggle, but one that is worth your time.
These five things are essential when communicating to parents in our ministries. I hope these help as you evaluate your communication process. If you have found this helpful please share it and leave a comment below.
In the next post I will share the practical ways and avenues we communicate with the parents in our ministry. In the mean time, what would you add to the list? What are your struggles in communicating effectively with parents in your ministry? I would love to hear and learn from you as well. Share in the comments below!
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