Having a Strong Youth Ministry Team Matters Having a strong team matters in almost anything…
[This is a post in a series on Building a Strong Team.]
Commitment from your team over the long-term is extremely important to the success of your ministry. Having a consistent team over the years brings consistency to your ministry. It also helps as you recruit new members to the team, because you are not starting from scratch every few years. Many of the things we have discussed in building, recruiting, and training a team are also the things that help keep a team committed over the long haul. If you are already doing those things you are well on your way to having and keeping a great team. Here are four other things that are important to be doing when it comes to having commitment from your team to your ministry long-term.
[Tweet “If you do nothing else, pray for your team regularly.”]
Keys to commitment:
1. Publicly praise
Praising your team members in public helps others see their value. This is especially helpful when it comes to praising them in front of parents. You value them, make sure others know it and make sure they know why. If you want commitment from your team, praise them often.
2. Play together
A team that plays together, stays together. Taking time to play together builds friendship and memories. These relationships that your team members share with one another can be the glue that holds a team together.
3. Give them some ownership
Giving ownership to your team gives value to your team. After all, you can’t to it all. It also communicates that you trust them. While this one may not be as easy as it sounds, it is important if you want commitment from your team.
4. Pray for them regularly
This one is last on the list, but obviously first in priority. Pray with them, and pray for them. If you do nothing else, pray for your team regularly. Go an extra step and send them a postcard to let them know you prayed for them that day.
Having a great team around you is a must. Recruit a strong team, train and equip them, and keep them for the long haul. If you do this, you will be so much further ahead in having an influence in the lives of your students.
What things do you need to work on with your team? What other things do you think are important when it comes to having commitment from your team over the long haul?
[This is a post in a series on Building a Strong Team.]
Photo via sxc.hu/zizzy0104