Youth Ministry

Be Influential

Two Things Every Pastor Must Share and Where I Fail

There are many things as a Youth Pastor I do not do well. There are some things that come easy, and there are things that are terribly difficult for me. There are things I love to do, and there are things I hate to do but do anyway. There are times when I do some…

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Why Santa Can’t Be Enough For Christmas

[This post first appeared on] Christmas is almost here.  For many the Christmas holiday brings great time with family, good memories, great food, gifts (some of which we will give to someone else later), and joy.  At least that is what we sing about.  For many others however, Christmas brings with it a reminder…

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Four Events that Changed My Ministry Forever

To this point, I have been in student ministry for over 15 years. Throughout those years there have been many things along the way that have had an influence on my personal, spiritual, and ministry life. Among those however, there are four that have changed my ministry forever. If they haven’t happened in your life…

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The #1 Thing to Make You a Better Youth Pastor

There are tons of books, magazines, blogs, and websites that provide great help when it comes to how to be a better Youth Pastor.  I follow dozens of blogs, read as many books as I can, and subscribe to several magazines.  All of these are helpful at times.  There is however something that is a…

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5 Reasons You Should Intentionally Teach Doctrine and Theology to Your Students

  What do your students think about when they think about God? That may be the most important question for your ministry to them. Are you intentional about what you are teaching or are you just making it up as you go? Since we only have our students for a few years, the importance of…

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Imitate Me as I imitate Christ

The Apostle Paul writes to the church at Corinth: “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 11:1 I would imagine that for most of us, we read that passage and think primarily in terms of our students and our ministry.  As a Youth Pastor I do want to live in…

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