Youth Ministry

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6 Benchmarks in Your Youth Ministry

I have previously shared why I think so many Youth Pastors leave around the 2-3 year mark and why I think you should stay in your current youth ministry position. A recent conversation with a friend in ministry reminded me of a pattern of benchmarks that seem to occur in youth ministry.  Knowing these and recognizing…

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Why Youth Pastors Leave Around the 2-3 Year Mark

If I have heard it once, I have heard it a thousand times. “Please pray for us, after a difficult ________ years we feel the Lord leading us to leave our current ministry position.” Does God lead us away and to new places? YES! Does God do this over and over and over every 2 –…

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5 Things Parents Do Not Know About Youth Pastors

There are tons of things that go into being a Youth Pastor. There are a lot of things parents know, but there are a lot of things that are seldom thought about. Here are 5 things parents do not know about Youth Pastors:

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My Sermon Preparation Process

When it comes to teaching or sermon preparation it is crucial you have a “process.”  The process may change over time, but having a method or template for your sermon preparation can be really helpful and time-saving.  I began preaching at 17 years old.  I knew nothing, but God placed such an incredible mentor in…

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The Top Apps in My Toolbox

The right tool can make or break the job you are working on.  If you have a smart phone or tablet there are apps that keep you in line and (hopefully) make your life easier and more productive.  Here is a list of mine.  To be noted these are all iPhone or iPad apps:

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Four Qualities Needed for Great Preaching and Teaching

There are many things that make a sermon or lesson great. Obviously there must be sufficient thought and study put into each. Aside from the nuts of bolts of preparation there are several qualities great preaching or teaching should have. What you present can and is easily missed if it is not delivered well. What…

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