Youth Ministry

Be Influential

Why your youth ministry numbers are seen as success

Do you ever get tired of people always asking about numbers in your ministry? Sometimes there seems to be a never-ending pressure to have more youth ministry numbers. If you have an event with tons of students, it is celebrated. If you see a ton of students receive Jesus and get baptized, it is celebrated….

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How To Make The Most Of Your Summer

Summer is coming…are you ready? Summer can be one of the most effective times in Youth Ministry.  It can also be a time that is easily wasted and a huge opportunity missed.  Without some forethought, summer will come and go before you even realize it.  School will be back in, and you will, once again,…

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2 Things Unity is Not (Why can’t we all just get along?)

Unity is essential for any team to be effective.  This is no different in Youth Ministry.  Youth Ministry teams can include parents, volunteers, teens, and paid staff.  Building an awesome team can be a difficult task on its own.  Working as a team brings its own set of challenges.  Maintaining unity and keeping everyone moving toward the same…

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Are you really teaching students to have a love for Jesus? (and what you may be doing instead)

Even the question sounds crazy right? I mean, of course we are teaching students to love Jesus. We are after all Youth Workers. We serve Jesus all the time. We do all sorts of crazy things for teens so they will “love Jesus,” …right? Well, maybe not.

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2 Things That May Be Undermining Your Ministry

Have you ever stopped to consider that something may actually be undermining your ministry? What if I told you that they were things you could fix? Being a Youth Worker can be crazy at times…well, most of the time.  You can definitely be pulled in a thousand different directions.  You want to do your best….

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Three Things Every Youth Pastor Loves To Hear

In the last post I gave three things every Youth Pastor hates to hear.  While there are many things a Youth Pastor does not like to hear, there are some things every Youth Pastor loves to hear.  Here are three:

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