Youth Ministry

Be Influential

10 Signs You Should Invest in Your Youth Pastor

In a previous post, 5 Things Parents Do Not Know About Their Youth Pastor, I looked at the side of Youth Ministry many never see.  Because ministry requires you to lead, you are often alone.  Ministry can be a lonely place to serve and be.  In general, we are all needy people, and more often…

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10 Qualities of a Great Youth Worker

In the last post we looked at 20 Myths About What Makes A Great Youth Worker.  There is no shortage of stereotypes of what a great Youth Worker is or is not. I am convinced that most, if not all of those are made from adults.  We feel pressure to be what we feel is…

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20 Myths About A Great Youth Worker

What exactly is needed to be great Youth Worker?  There are many things as a Youth Pastor I look for and expect from a great Youth Worker.  There are however, many things that I believe are unfairly assumed. These are myths of what a great Youth Worker looks and acts like.  These myths may be preventing…

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Are you in protect mode or prepare mode?

It has been my experience that in Youth Ministry we generally operate from one of two modes.  We either do our best to protect our youth from or prepare our youth for what they will experience beyond the safety of the church.  The best approach is undoubtedly a balanced approach that takes both into account….

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Why Your Youth Ministry Numbers Do Not Matter

This post is the third post in a series dealing with numbers in your Youth Ministry. So far we have looked at who is really behind seeing numbers as success and why numbers in your youth ministry matter. If you are going to be in any ministry, you are going to have to deal with…

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Why Your Youth Ministry Numbers Matter

In the previous post, we discovered who the real person behind seeing numbers as success is.  The fact is, numbers in your Youth Ministry are an inescapable reality.  You must deal with them.  While it is easy and tempting to dismiss them, Youth Ministry numbers matter.  In fact, they matter far more than we realize, and definitely more than…

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