Youth Ministry

Be Influential

If I Could Say One Thing To A Youth Pastor

I am often asked for advice from Youth Pastors who are fairly new to the ministry.  If you and I were to have coffee (I love coffee) and you were to ask me what ONE piece of advice I would give you what would I say?

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Dear Youth Pastor, Stop Fighting For Balance

How are you doing at balancing family and ministry? The demands of ministry on a Youth Pastor can be never-ending.  In many ways you are expected to be on call 24/7. Throw in the time it takes to prepare each week, plan that next event, go to that ballgame/middle school band concert (yikes)/water polo match/etc.,…

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Top 25 Posts From the Last Year

I thought it would be helpful to share with you the top 25 posts of The Longer Haul.  These are not just the posts that have had the most views over the last year.  These are the top 25 posts that have had the most engagement and reads. In other words, people read these like…

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Tearing Down Your Youth Ministry Rollercoaster

What?  You did not see the rollercoaster your ministry had when you were hired? You haven’t noticed it on all of your retreats?  You haven’t seen it there in the room with you during your Youth Worship? Hmmm…well, you should look harder.  I promise it is there. Where is it?  What is it?  Is it…

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What if?

What if God came to you and told you He would give you one million dollars every day of your life, but when you die you will not go to heaven? Would you take it?

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The Gospel Distinction

I have written previously on Four truths you must be teaching your students about the gospel.  Sometimes in ministry we can feel like we are always teaching the gospel, but still find that we see very few come to Jesus.  It can be frustrating and discouraging, and confusing. I am afraid that it is largely due…

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