
Are you in protect mode or prepare mode?

It has been my experience that in Youth Ministry we generally operate from one of two modes.  We either do our best to protect our youth from or prepare our youth for what they will experience beyond the safety of the church.  The best approach is undoubtedly a balanced approach that takes both into account….

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Why Your Youth Ministry Numbers Do Not Matter

This post is the third post in a series dealing with numbers in your Youth Ministry. So far we have looked at who is really behind seeing numbers as success and why numbers in your youth ministry matter. If you are going to be in any ministry, you are going to have to deal with…

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Why Your Youth Ministry Numbers Matter

In the previous post, we discovered who the real person behind seeing numbers as success is.  The fact is, numbers in your Youth Ministry are an inescapable reality.  You must deal with them.  While it is easy and tempting to dismiss them, Youth Ministry numbers matter.  In fact, they matter far more than we realize, and definitely more than…

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Why your youth ministry numbers are seen as success

Do you ever get tired of people always asking about numbers in your ministry? Sometimes there seems to be a never-ending pressure to have more youth ministry numbers. If you have an event with tons of students, it is celebrated. If you see a ton of students receive Jesus and get baptized, it is celebrated….

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How To Make The Most Of Your Summer

Summer is coming…are you ready? Summer can be one of the most effective times in Youth Ministry.  It can also be a time that is easily wasted and a huge opportunity missed.  Without some forethought, summer will come and go before you even realize it.  School will be back in, and you will, once again,…

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2 Things Unity is Not (Why can’t we all just get along?)

Unity is essential for any team to be effective.  This is no different in Youth Ministry.  Youth Ministry teams can include parents, volunteers, teens, and paid staff.  Building an awesome team can be a difficult task on its own.  Working as a team brings its own set of challenges.  Maintaining unity and keeping everyone moving toward the same…

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