
About the Author
I am a Youth Ministry veteran of twenty four years, and currently serve as the Student Pastor at High Desert Church.  I help equip and encourage Youth Pastors through this blog and podcast The Longer Haul.  My passion is helping Youth Pastors create a ministry of longevity that they truly love.  I am the grateful husband of Sarah and the dad of Emma, Anna, Lizzy, and Jack.  I am a speaker, lover of vintage VW’s, and the owner of one 1972 VW Westfalia Bus.

Four Events that Changed My Ministry Forever

To this point, I have been in student ministry for over 15 years. Throughout those years there have been many things along the way that have had an influence on my personal, spiritual, and ministry life. Among those however, there are four that have changed my ministry forever. If they haven’t happened in your life…

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Be Intentional with Family Discipleship

[This is a post in a series on Discipling Your Family Well.] It is so important that you take the responsibility to disciple your family serious. In order to be successful in this, you must be realistic in your approach and your expectations of family discipleship. While a huge part of discipleship does happen naturally, it…

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Be Realistic with Family Discipleship

[This is a post in a series on Discipling Your Family Well.] I’ve often heard it said that “what stops us most is the start.”  I have found this to be true in my life many times.  Often for me it has been the fear of failing, the uncertainty of how to begin, the feeling of…

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Discipling your Family Well

In our “specialist culture” we seem to divide up responsibilities for every facet of our lives and go to the “experts” at every turn. This is true whether it is a doctor, sports, trainers, and dare I say church? I am a firm believer however, that the primary responsibility for discipleship rests on the family….

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The #1 Thing to Make You a Better Youth Pastor

There are tons of books, magazines, blogs, and websites that provide great help when it comes to how to be a better Youth Pastor.  I follow dozens of blogs, read as many books as I can, and subscribe to several magazines.  All of these are helpful at times.  There is however something that is a…

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5 Reasons You Should Intentionally Teach Doctrine and Theology to Your Students

  What do your students think about when they think about God? That may be the most important question for your ministry to them. Are you intentional about what you are teaching or are you just making it up as you go? Since we only have our students for a few years, the importance of…

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