
About the Author
I am a Youth Ministry veteran of twenty four years, and currently serve as the Student Pastor at High Desert Church.  I help equip and encourage Youth Pastors through this blog and podcast The Longer Haul.  My passion is helping Youth Pastors create a ministry of longevity that they truly love.  I am the grateful husband of Sarah and the dad of Emma, Anna, Lizzy, and Jack.  I am a speaker, lover of vintage VW’s, and the owner of one 1972 VW Westfalia Bus.

TLH042: Choosing to Stay in Youth Ministry When You Can Leave

What happens when you choose stay in Youth Ministry when you could leave?  It won’t take long serving in Youth Ministry before you will hit a point where you feel you could–or should–leave the position you’re in.  Choosing to stay in Youth Ministry, and choosing to stay in your position in Youth Ministry can be…

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TLH041: Fighting Pornography Addiction

Fighting pornography addiction is a battle not to be taken lightly.  If you’re in ministry it definitely affects you.  Whether in the lives of the teens you serve, their families, or maybe you’re own personal struggle. It is in many cases the BIG secret that seems all too present in the lives of those we…

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TLH040: Ministering to Introverted Students

In ministry we are constantly finding ourselves ministering to many different types of people.  This seems especially true in youth ministry. One group that is often lost in the mix are introverts.  Ministering to introverts brings a unique set of challenges.  Doing so effectively requires intentionality and thoughtfulness in every aspect of our ministries. Added…

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Three People Youth Pastors Are Not

As youth pastors and youth workers we wear a lot of hats.  We often end up taking on a ton of random tasks and responsibilities and filling a lot of different roles. There are some roles however that we should not fill.  Some of these are rather obvious, some of these are roles we’d rather…

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TLH039: Staying Organized in Youth Ministry with Evernote

Struggle with staying organized in youth ministry?  How can you keep track of everything without going crazy along the way?  How can you keep track of all those receipts?  Wait…anyone else struggle with losing these?  No?  Just me?  Oh, okay. If you have been around the blog or the podcast for a day or two you…

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How I Get It All Done: The Never-Ending Struggle For Productivity

“How do you get it all done?” For the last several years anyway, I’ve been running the Longer Haul website, creating courses for the website, managing an email list (join the others already on it here), creating, recording, editing the Longer Haul Youth Ministry Podcast, being husband to my wife, dad to my four kiddos,…

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