
About the Author
I am a Youth Ministry veteran of twenty four years, and currently serve as the Student Pastor at High Desert Church.  I help equip and encourage Youth Pastors through this blog and podcast The Longer Haul.  My passion is helping Youth Pastors create a ministry of longevity that they truly love.  I am the grateful husband of Sarah and the dad of Emma, Anna, Lizzy, and Jack.  I am a speaker, lover of vintage VW’s, and the owner of one 1972 VW Westfalia Bus.

TLH076: Reasons to Leave Youth Ministry

We, the Longer Haul Podcast team, are committed to… well… the Longer Haul. That’s why we do the podcast. We know though, from experience that there are times when God makes it known that it’s time to move on. There are seasons of change. The big question we all face is how do we know…

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TLH075: Helping Youth Find their Identity Through Jesus Colored Glasses

This weeks interview tackles identity in Christ head on. Todd Jones has written an excellent book called Jesus Colored Glasses. Besides our being jealous of his coming up with a super catchy super cool name for his book, we’re pumped about this interview. Todd gets youth pastors! He’s one of us! As the founder of…

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TLH074: Insights into Gen Z

Many of us have been guilty of thinking that the teenagers of today are pretty much like all the teenagers that have gone before them. Ahhhhh, if only it were that easy! Research tells us that there are characteristics of the current generation that we need to be aware of as we try to point…

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TLH073: Changes in How Teens Respond to the Gospel

We all want to see our students sharing their faith.  We would all love to have students leading other students to Jesus.  But what is it that is really keeping this from happening? Look we get it.  This topic isn’t new…even for this podcast, but we believe it is SO ridiculously important. Our friend Greg…

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TLH072: Be Soberly Reminded

Over the years we’ve heard people say that we’re only one bad decision away from disqualifying ourselves from ministry. Over and over again throughout the years we’ve heard of friends and peers have to quit serving in the church because of immoral decisions they’ve made. We admit that this podcast topic is not as fun…

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TLH071: Partnering with Parents to Navigate a Hyper-sexualized Culture

Let’s face it… we live in a hyper sexualized culture! Ok, either you’re giggling like a middle schooler right now or tempted to close this and move on. Stick with us for a second. Parents are overwhelmed and they need our help navigating everything that they’re facing when it comes to their teens dealing with…

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