Welcome to the Longer Haul!
I’m Jody Livingston, a youth pastor for over two decades helping other youth pastors as we all pursue the next generation.
If you a serve as a Youth Pastor or Youth Leader—or aspire to be—then this blog is for you. Youth Ministry is not for the faint of heart. Working with students can be challenging in so many ways, and if you have ever asked yourself:
- How can I stay in Youth Ministry for the long haul?
- How can I be more effective with my preaching and teaching?
- How can I partner with parents and families better?
- How can I build and equip a team of volunteers in my ministry?
- Why does everyone care so much about why the chicken crosses the road? ...wait, maybe not that one.
- Or, if you just need encouragement to stay the course...
- ...You're in the RIGHT place!
I hope what you find here will encourage, challenge, and spur you on further in pursuit of Jesus and the fulfilling of the calling He has placed on your life. May we all finish well and stay in this for the Longer Haul!
About Jody Livingston

Jody Livingston is the Pastor of Students and Young Adults at High Desert Church, with 25 years of experience in youth ministry. As a certified youth ministry coach, author, and host of The Longer Haul podcast, Jody is passionate about helping youth pastors build ministries that stand the test of time. His work centers on equipping leaders to thrive in their roles and create lasting impact.
Jody is a proud husband to Sarah and father to their four children: Emma, Anna, Lizzy, and Jack. In his spare time, he enjoys restoring his 1972 VW Westfalia Bus and fueling his sense of adventure through his love for vintage Volkswagens.