Overcoming Discouragement

overcoming discouragementSo you are discouraged, how do you overcome it?

In the previous post I gave you several observations about discouragement and ministry.  In this post I am giving you five ways to fight and overcome discouragement.

Whether you find yourself discouraged now or not, you will face discouragement often in Youth Ministry.  If you are not prepared, and do not have a plan to fight and overcome discouragement, you will never last in Youth Ministry.

Here are several ways I fight to overcome discouragement when it comes my way:

1. Pray

Okay, I know this sounds like a Sunday School answer, but it is an essential place to start.  As I pray through discouragement, God begins to show me things and teach me through it.

It may be areas of unconfessed sin in my life that He begins to reveal.  It may be reminders of my calling.  It may be perspective on what all He is doing in and through me.

The truth is, without a prayerful foundation, I am trying to dig my way out of a hole with my own shovel…and that never works.

2. Take Inventory

As the old song goes, you must stop and “count your many blessings, name them one by one.”  Stopping to take an honest inventory of life and ministry is always helpful in giving me perspective.

I have a tendency to see all of they ways we still need to grow and become better.  I am always pushing us forward.  It’s not that I fail to see all the things that are going well; it’s that I often forget what they are.

Taking an intentional inventory, and honestly evaluating the good things as well, always leads me to gratitude and worship.  I find it is hard to be worshiping and be discouraged.

3. Get out of the office

I love the outdoors.  You may not, and that is perfectly okay.  Where you go is not as important as going.

Recently, I took a couple of hours to get out and hike a bit at a local park with my kids.  It was exactly what I needed.  The time with my kids was fun and being out on a nice day in the sun was so relaxing.

Getting out of the office and letting go a bit is a must if you plan to survive and thrive in Youth Ministry.

Go hang out at a local coffee shop, a bookstore, take a hike nearby, go for a walk, or whatever you find refreshing.  Just get out of the office.

4. Get into the Word

This one is very important, but very difficult when you are fighting discouragement.  Running to God’s Word is essential though.

Go to the Gospels and slowly read and meditate through portions of it. Be prayerful as you work your way through it.  Come honest and open-handed.  Seek the Lord for who He is, not for what you want Him to do.

Be refreshed by the Living Water we find in Jesus and the hope of the gospel.

5.  Talk to someone

This may mean calling a nearby Youth Pastor or friend.  It may mean finding a good biblical counselor.

While the Christian life is personal, it was never intended to be private.  Talking things through with someone and gaining outside perspective is SO beneficial and needed.

Do not let your pride keep you from this.  The reality is, everyone needs counseling at some point in life.  It can come from friend or it can come from a counselor.  Just make sure you do not keep it bottled up inside.  It will destroy you.

What steps do you take to fight through discouragement?  Take a moment share in the comments below.

Photo credit: pang yu liu / Foter / CC BY-SA

About the Author
I am a Youth Ministry veteran of twenty four years, and currently serve as the Student Pastor at High Desert Church.  I help equip and encourage Youth Pastors through this blog and podcast The Longer Haul.  My passion is helping Youth Pastors create a ministry of longevity that they truly love.  I am the grateful husband of Sarah and the dad of Emma, Anna, Lizzy, and Jack.  I am a speaker, lover of vintage VW’s, and the owner of one 1972 VW Westfalia Bus.